This is the classic "flow over a cylinder in a channel" test case, as analysed by, for example, Ferziger and Peric (2002). The problem is modelled as 2-D. The inlet flow velocity profile is specified (coming in from the left), and the outlet (right) gauge pressure is zero. The upper wall, lower wall and cylinder are no-slip walls.
We assume an incompressible Newtonian isothermal laminar fluid, where the Navier-Stokes governing equations take the form:
\[\nabla \cdot \boldsymbol{v} = 0\] \[\frac{\partial \boldsymbol{v}}{\partial t} + \nabla \cdot (\boldsymbol{v}\boldsymbol{v}) = \nu \nabla^2 \boldsymbol{v} - \frac{1}{\rho} \nabla p + \boldsymbol{f_b}\]We will use the PIMPLE pressure-velocity coupling algorithm:
for all time-steps
solve momentum equation for U (terms depending on p are calculated explicitly)
solve pressure equation for p (terms depending on U are calculated explicitly)
while not converged
For Re = 100, the flow is expected to be unsteady, with vortices shedding from the cylinder.
Pressure contours (top) and velocity vectors (bottom) from Ferziger and Peric (2002)
The tutorial case can be run using the included Allrun
script, i.e. > ./Allrun
. In this case, the Allrun
script is
# Source tutorial clean functions
. $WM_PROJECT_DIR/bin/tools/RunFunctions
# Source solids4Foam scripts
# Check case version is correct
solids4Foam::convertCaseFormat .
# Create the mesh
solids4Foam::runApplication fluentMeshToFoam cylinderInChannel.msh
solids4Foam::runApplication changeDictionary
# Run the solver
solids4Foam::runApplication solids4Foam
# Create plots
if command -v gnuplot &> /dev/null
if [[ -f "./postProcessing/forces/0/forces.dat" ]]
echo "Generating force.pdf using gnuplot"
gnuplot force.of9.gnuplot &> /dev/null
echo "Generating force.pdf using gnuplot"
gnuplot force.gnuplot &> /dev/null
echo "Please install gnuplot if you would like to generate the plots"
where the solids4Foam::convertCaseFormat .
script makes minor changes to the case to make it compatible with your version of OpenFOAM/foam-extend. As can be seen, the mesh in the fluent format is converted to the OpenFOAM format before running the solids4Foam
solver. After the solver has finished, a force.pdf
plot is generated if the gnuplot
program is installed.
Remember that a tutorial case can be cleaned and reset using the included Allrun
script, i.e. ./Allclean
In the ParaView, a von Kármán vortex street is clearly visible by viewing the pressure field p
Pressure field
If you would like to learn more about the case, then please continue; if not, how about you check out another tutorial.
The case follows the typical pimpleFoam
(or pimpleDyMFoam
) case structure:
├── 0
│ ├── U
│ └── p
├── Allclean
├── Allrun
├── constant
│ ├── RASProperties
│ ├── dynamicMeshDict
│ ├── fluidProperties
│ ├── physicsProperties
│ ├── polyMesh
│ │ └── …
│ ├── transportProperties
│ └── turbulenceProperties
├── cylinderInChannel.msh
└── system
├── changeDictionaryDict
├── controlDict
├── fvSchemes
└── fvSolution
The only difference with a pimpleFoam
case is that a constant/physicsProperties
dictionary must be present, where the type of analysis is specified:
type fluid;
//type solid;
//type fluidSolidInteraction;
In addition, as this is a "fluid" analysis, a constant/fluidProperties
dictionary must also be present, where the PIMPLE algorithm for an incompressible isothermal fluid is specified:
fluidModel pimpleFluid;
The pimpleFluid
fluid model does not require any settings to be specified. Parameters related to the PIMPLE algorithm as instead specified in system/fvSolution
, just like for the pimpleFoam
Apart from specifying the physicsProperties
and fluidProperties
dictionaries, the case is equivalent to a standard pimpleFOAM
case, e.g. in terms of transportProperties
, RASProperties
, dynamicMeshDict
, U
, p
, fvSchemes
, etc.
For the cylinderInChannel
test case, we have selected a "fluid" analysis in the physicsProperties
dictionary: this means a fluidModel
class will be selected; then, we specify the actual solidModel
class to be the pimpleFluid
The code for the pimpleFluid class is located at:
and this code directly ports the pimpleFoam
solver code; in particular, see the evolve()
function with pimpleFluid.C