A small-strain elastic version of this tutorial is also available insolids4foam at tutorials/linearElasticity/cooksMembrane
Cook's membrane is a well-known bending-dominated benchmark case used in linear and non-linear analysis. The tapered panel (trapezoid) is fixed on one side and subjected to uniform shear traction on the opposite side. The prescribed shear traction is \(\tau = 0.3125\) MPa. The vertices of the trapezoid (in mm) are (0, 0), (48, 44), (48, 60), and (0, 44), as shown in Figure 1. Gravitation effects are neglected, there are no body forces, and the problem is solved as 2D using plane strain assumption. The problem is solved as static, using 30 equally-sized loading increments.
The material is considered elastoplastic, with the following property values: Young's modulus \(E = 206.9\) MPa, Poisson's ratio \(\nu=0.29\), initial yield stress \(\sigma_Y = 0.45\) MPa and the hardening parameters \(\sigma_{\infty} = 0.715\) MPa, \(\delta = 16.93\), \(H = 0.12924\) MPa. The strain hardening function is the one presented in [1]:
\[\sigma_y = \sigma_Y + (\sigma_{\infty} - \sigma_Y)(1-\text{exp}(-\delta\varepsilon_p)) + H\varepsilon_p.\]Figure 1: Problem geometry
Figure 2 shows the convergence of the vertical displacement in solids4Foam (foam-extend-4.1)
in the case of updated Lagrangian (nonLinGeometryUpdatedLagrangian
) and total Lagrangian (nonLinGeometryTotalLagrangian
) formulation. In both formulations, vertical displacement in the top right corner tends to a value of 7.4 mm, which is close to the values reported in [1, 2, 3].
In the solids4foam
case, the vertical displacement at the top right corner is extracted using the solidPointDisplacement
function object placed in the controlDict
type solidPointDisplacement;
point (0.048 0.060 0);
The solidPointDisplacement
function finds the mesh vertex nearest to the specified point
and writes the displacement of this vertex to postProcessing/0/solidPointDisplacement_pointDisp.dat
Figure 2: Convergence of the vertical displacement in the top right corner
Figure 3: Contours of yield stress. The black line denotes the initial undeformed configuration
The tutorial case is located at solids4foam/tutorials/solids/elastoplasticity/cooksMembrane
. The case can be run using the included Allrun
script, i.e. > ./Allrun
. In this case, the Allrun consists of creating the mesh using blockMesh
(> blockMesh
) followed by running the solids4foam
solver (> solids4Foam
[2] http://www.simplassoftware.com/benchmarks.html