Release notes

What's new in solids4foam-v2.1?

The main changes from v2.0 to v2.1 are:

  • solids4foam-v2.1 compiles with OpenFOAM-v2012 to OpenFOAM-v2312, OpenFOAM-9, and foam-extend-4.1;
  • Conjugate heat transfer and thermo-fluid-solid interaction capabilities have been added;
  • files have been added to more tutorials and to the website;
  • New tutorials have been added;
  • A segment-to-segment contact procedure has been added to the solidContact boundary condition;
  • Many bugs have been fixed, and refactorings have been performed;
  • A new general vertex-centred solid model vertexCentredLinearGeometry has been created, allowing run-time selection of a block-coupled, segregated or explicit solution algorithm;
  • A new block-coupled nonlinear geometry vertex-centred solid model has been added: vertexCentredNonLinTotalLagGeometry;
  • The general electroMechanicalLaw has been added;
  • The general poroMechLaw has been added;
  • The GuccioneElastic mechanical law has been added;
  • The Robin-Neumann fluid-solid interaction coupling now works with and versions;
  • Centralised the wmake-options and made a provision for OpenFOAM/modules integration;
  • Refactored compiler directives for the different versions, e.g. OPENFOAMESIORFOUNDATION -> OPENFOAM_NOT_EXTEND;
  • Case dictionaries now get written with their default values to <dictName>.withDefaultValues;
  • Refactoring of GitHub actions;
  • Ported kirchhoffPlateSolid solid model and the squarePlate tutorial to

What's new in solids4foam-v2.0?

The main changes from v1.0 and v1.1 to v2.0 are:

  • solids4foam-v2.0 compiles with newer versions of OpenFOAM and foam-extend;
  • solids4foam has moved from bitbucket to GitHub;
  • solids4foam has a new website (you are here now!);
  • In collaboration with the preCICE development team, support has been added for using solids4foam with preCICE;
  • The latest versions of solids4foam are now automatically added to the solids4foam Docker Hub page;
  • New solid mechanical laws have been added, including Mooney-Rivlin, Yeoh, and isotropic Fung (and Ogden soon);
  • New solid models have been added, such as the block-coupled vertex-centred approach built on the PETSc linear solver toolbox;
  • The fluid models more closely follow the code from the underlying OpenFOAM version;
  • The build and test scripts have been re-designed;
  • A tutorials benchmark data repository has been created for storing reference data and results for the tutorials;
  • solids4foam has a new logo! It is a deformed green nabla (like a deformed structure) with strings; the strings are a hat tip to the origins of the nabla symbol and the national symbol of Ireland;
  • The filesToReplaceInOF has been removed, although optionalFixes are still recommended when using foam-extend;
  • foam-extend is no longer the primary development fork for solids4foam; instead, it is equally likely that new features will be developed in any of the three supported forks;
  • Greater support is available for and versions; for example, multi-material and solid-to-solid contact is now supported.